'0' order by category "); while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($seminars)) { $seminar_links.='' . $row['category'] . ' | '; } $seminar_links=substr($seminar_links,0,-2); $result=mysql_query(" select p1.id, p2.id as id2, category_id, p1.forenames, p1.surname, p1.title, p1.email, p2.forenames as forenames2, p2.surname as surname2, p2.title as title2, p2.email as email2, usual_room, usual_dow, LOWER(TIME_FORMAT(usual_time,'%l.%i %p')) as usual_time, s.category from seminar_categories as s left join people as p1 on p1.UNIX_account=s.organiser left join people as p2 on p2.UNIX_account=s.second_organiser where ((p1.active='-1' and p2.active='-1') or (p1.active='-1' and p2.id is NULL)) and category_id>'0' order by category "); //echo mysql_num_rows($result); ?> Seminars

The department organises seminars in a number of categories. You may view a list of all seminars being held during this week and next, or view the current list for each seminar in HTML or PDF format. If you have any enquires about any of these seminars, please contact the relevant organiser.

Information on Applied Mathematics Pre-Seminar readings is available online at:


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Seminar list: View as HTML

"") $organiser2=mk_name($forenames2,$surname2,$title2); ?>
Organiser"") echo 's';?>: "") { echo ' and '; ?>
Usual day and time: "") { echo "$usual_dow $usual_time"; } else { echo "None"; }?>
Usual venue: "") { echo "$usual_room"; } else { echo "None"; }?>
Current seminar list: View as HTML PDF