the distances theorem

s(AB) = sinh(½d(A,B))
c(AB) = cosh(½d(A,B))
t(AB) = tanh(½d(A,B))

the hybrid distances theorem
Suppose that A and B are points in the disk, and O is the centre of the disk.
Then |AB| = s(AB)/c(OA)c(OB).

First, note that, if z is the complex number representing A, then d(O,A) = 2arctanh(|z|).
Hence |z| = t(OA). If w represents B, then, similarly, |w| = t(OB).
Also, from the definition of d, we get t(AB) = |z-w|/|w*z-1|.

Now observe that tanh2(x)/(1-tanh2(x)) = sinh2(x)/(cosh2(x)-sinh2(x)) = sinh2(x).
Also, in a similar way 1/(1-tanh2(x)) = cosh2(x).

Thus s2(AB) = |z-w|2/(|z-w|2-|w*z-1|2). We now expand the denominator :
|z-w|2-|w*z-1|2 = (z-w)(z*-w*)-(w*z-1)(wz*-1) = (1-|z|2)(1-|w|2).
We see that |z-w|2 = s2(AB)(1-|z|2)(1-|w|2). Using the formulae for |z| and |w|, and
the hyperbolic identities, we have, on taking (positive) roots, |z-w| = s(AB)/c(OA)c(OB).
But |AB| = |z-w|, so we have the result.

hyperbolic geometry