Proofs of Theorems A and B

Let c = (u,v)', X = (x,y,λ)', and

Q = | α  β |
| γ  δ |


|  α   β   u  | |x| | αx+βy+λu |
TX = |  γ   δ   v  | |y| = | γx+δy+λv |
|  0   0   0  | |λ| |

We see immediately that T maps Π : z=λ to itself.
If we ignore the z-coordinate (concentrating of the map from Π to itself),
we see that the map sends (x,y) to (αx+βy+λu,γx+δy+λv). As bc,
this is exactly the effect of the euclidean map on R2 taking x to Qx+b, .

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