K147 = cK0(#F,R) with F = X(110) = a2/(b2-c2), R = K = X(6) = a2.

T(F) = Brocard Axis
T(R) = Lemoine Axis.
R* = X(249) = a2/(b2-c2)2.
C(R) = Circumcircle.
C(F) = circumconic with perspector F.
T(R*) = KX(351), note that X(351) = TG(K).
I(R*) = inconic with perspector R*.
F1 = C(K)nC(R) = X(691).
F2 = a2(b2+c2-2a2)/(b2-c2) is unlisted.
F3 = T(F)nT(R) = X(187).
F4 = X(111), the second meet of C(R) and FR.
U = a2(b2-c2) = X(512).

K147 is
(1) locus of X such that XX* is divided harmonically by T(F) and T(R*).
(2) K-Hirst inverse of C(R).
Isoconjugate points on K147 correspond to points X,Y on C(R) with U on XY.

The nodal tangents are T1, T2 which are
(3) the tangents from F to I(R*) - contacts on R*F3.
(4) lines joining F to T(F)nC(R),
The intersections are X(1379) and X(1380), which give the tangents.
The tangents are also the polars of these points with respect to C(F).
(5) tripolars of T(R*)nC(F).

The pivotal conic PC has
(6) tangents T1, T2 as above, contacts on a line through F3.
(7) tangent the Brocard Axis T(F), contact K.
(8) tangent T3 = F1F2, contact unlisted.
(9) tangent T4 = F1F3, contact F4 = X(111).
T4 may also be described as X(23)X(111).

Note the appearance of the centre of the Parry Circle as F3,
and the points X(23), X(110), X(111) which lie on the Circle.
We could describe T(F) as X(15), X(16)!

cK0 conics