results on the tripolar centroid

The tripolar centroid was introduced in the tucker cubic page. There, we
defined the tripolar centroid of U = [u,v,w] as gU = [u(v-w)(v+w-2u)].

We noted that a circumhyperbola H not through G = X(2) contains two points
with the property that gX is the perspector of H. Each of these gives rise to
four points on H, including the two infinite points. We now have six points
on H.

Here, we identify these points geometrically and indicate some relationships
amongst them.

Suppose that H is a circumhyperbola not through G, with perspector P, centre C.
A1, A2 are the asymptotes of H,
T1, T2 are the tripoles of A1, A2.
I1, I2 are the infinite points on H, with Ii on Ai,
G1, G2 are the second intersections of H with lines through G parallel to the Ai,
P1, P2 are the second intersections of H with lines through P parallel to the Ai.

From earlier results, we know that P = gG1 = gG2.
We also know that the tripoles of A1, A2 are isotomic conjugates.

Observation 1
The circumhyperbola with infinite points I1, I1has
(1) P = I1*I2,
(2) A1, A2 with tripoles I1/I2, I2/I1.

For points U, V, we have written U*V for the barycentric product of U, V,
and U/V for the barycentric quotient, i.e. U*(tV).

The circumconic with this perspector contains the points I1, I2
The circumconic with these asymptotes has infinite points I1, I2
as these lie on the lines A1, A2.

The following results are all easy to verify algebraically.

Given A1

Suppose that A1 is ux+vy+wz = 0, and put U = [u,v,w].
Then A2 is x/u+y/v+z/w = 0, the tripolar of U.
Note that the second points are obtained by replacing [u,v,w] by [1/u,1/v,1/w].

P = [u(v-w)2] this is I1*I2
I1 = [v-w], I2 = [u(v-w)] these are trival as we know the asymptotes
T1 = [1/u], T2 = [u] these are trival as we know the asymptotes
G1 = [u(v-w)/(v+w-2u)], G2 = [(v-w)/(uv+uw-2vw)]          the line GI1 is tripolar of [1/(v+w-2u)]
P1 = [u(v-w)2/(uv+uw-2vw)], P2 = [u(v-w)2/(v+w-2u)] the line PI1 is the tripolar of G2

Observation 2
(1) I1*G1 = P2, I2*G2 = P1.
(2) PI1 is the tripolar of G2, PI2 is the tripolar of G1.

Given G1

Suppose that G1 = [f,g,h]. As indicated above, the infinite points are, say,
I1 = [g+h-2f] and I2 = [f(g-h)].

P = [f(g-h)(g+h-2f)] this is I1*I2 and gG1
I1 = [g+h-2f], I2 = [f(g-h))] this is the choice above
T1 = [(g+h-2f)/f(g-h)], T2 = [f(g-h)/(g+h-2f))] as a result of earlier observations
G1 = [f], G2 = [(g+h-2f)/(fg+fh-2gh)] G1 given, G2 as tripole of PI1.
P1 = [f(g-h)(g+h-2f)/(fg+fh-2gh)], P2 = [f(g+h-2f)] P1 as I2G2, P2 as I1*G1

In earlier work, we showed that, in the present notation,

(a) the mid-point of G1G2 lies on the diameter GC,
(b) the tangents at G1, G2 meet on GC.

In fact, these are merely instance of some general results.
We can sum these up as

Theorem 1
Given U,V not on H or equal to C, define U1, U2, V1, V2 as for G,P.
(a) the mid-point of U1U2 lies on UC,
(b) the pole of U1U2 lies on UC,
(c) the polar of U is parallel to U1U2,
(c) UU1U2, VV2V1 are in perspective.

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