

  • (PI) EPSRC IAA project "Cardiac endotypes in COVID-19: quantification and mechanisms of cardiac injury" , £109.4k(FEC), 2021-2022 (EP/R511705/1) (with Berry et al.)
  • (CI) EPSRC Research Hub for Mathematical Sciences in Healthcare "The SofTMech Statistical Emulation and Translation Hub" , £1.5M (FEC), 2021-2025 (EP/T017899/1) (with Husmeier et al.)
  • (PI) EPSRC International Centre to Centre Fund "SofTMech with MIT and POLIMI (SofTMech-MP)", £2M (FEC), 2019-2023 (EP/S030875/1) (with SofTMech Colleagues)
  • (PI) EPSRC Established Career Fellowship "A whole-heart model of multiscale soft tissue mechanics and fluid structure interaction for clinical applications (Whole-Heart-FSI)", £1.6M (FEC), 2019-2024 (EP/S020950/1) (with Husmeier)
  • (PI) EPSRC funding "Growth and Remodelling in the Porcine Heart - Pushing Mathematics through Experiments", £505,311 (FEC), 2019-2022 (EP/S014284/1) (with Gao, Berry and Ogden), joint with EP/S014306/1 (Theobald@Cardiff) and EP/S014195/1 (Khan@Swansea)
  • (CI) Medical Research Council Grant on "MICA: A Developmental Trial of Personalised Medicine for Repurposing Zibotentan, a Selective Endothelin A Receptor Blocker, in Microvascular Angina", £3.4M (FEC), 2019-2023 (MR/S018905/1) (with Berry, et al.)
  • (PI) Royal Society International Exchanges Grant Cost Share (China) (IEC\NSFC\170202) on "Towards the next generation stenting - The evaluation and study on mechanics behaviour of novel shape memory polymer stent", £12K, 2018-2020 (with Liu, McGinty, Gao, and Hill)
  • (CI) Glasgow LKAS studentship, "Modelling arterial healing subject to drug delivery from coronary stents: a feasibility study", £80K, 2018-2022 (with McGinty)
  • (PI) EPSRC IAA project "KE associate for Healthcare technologies and medical engineering ", £49K, 2018-2020 (with Salmeron-Sanchez)
  • (PI) EPSRC IAA project "Mathematical modelling of cardiac amyloidosis and related interstitial cardiac pathologies ", co funded by GSK, £25,146, 2017 (with Gao, Husmeier, Hill, Berry)
  • (PI) GSK Consultancy on "Mathematicall Modelling of Cardiac Amyloid", £53,986, 2017-2019
  • (PI) PhD student project co-funded by GSK and GU: "Statistical and mathematical modelling of cardiac amyloidosis and related interstitial cardiac pathologies", £75,480, 2017-2021 (with Husmeier, Berry, Hill and Gao)
  • (CI) PhD student project co-funded by GSK and GU: "Quantitative analysis of longitudinal changes in myocardial perfusion using cardiac MRI", £75,480 2017-2021 (with Radjenovic, Berry, Gao)
  • (CI) GSK funded project "Investigation of post-myocardial infarction injury based on novel mathematical models and clinical cardiac magnetic resonance imaging (CMR) methodologies", £468,095, 2017-2020 (with Berry, Radjenovic, Husmeier, Hill)
  • (PI) EPSRC IAA project "Tracking biomarkers of heart attacks using a fast statistical emulator based on heart modelling and in vivo MRI", £46,379, 2016-2017 (with Husmeier, Gao, Berry)
  • (CI) EPSRC funding "EPSRC Centre for Multiscale Soft Tissue Mechanics - with application to heart & cancer", £2.4M (FEC), 2016-2020 (EP/N014642/1) (with Ogden, Hill, Husmeier, Simitev, Stewart, Berry, Olson, Yin, Smith, Insall, Chaplain, McDougall, Watton, Gao)
  • (PI) The Leverhulme Research Fellowship, "The first fully coupled mitral valve - left ventricle computational model", £50K , 2015-2017 (RF-2015-510)
  • (PI) The POEMS network funding "THE INITIATIVE FOR DIALOGUES BETWEEN CLINICIANS & MODELLERS", £17.5K , 2015-2017 (with Maini, Chen, Diaz, Vanniasinkam, Dunlop, Bracciali, Boileau, Lio, Tanaka, Tsaneva-Atanasova, Ovenden)
  • (CI) BHF Project Grant "Myocardial strain measurements in survivors of acute ST-elevation myocardial infarction: implementation and prognostic significance of novel magnetic resonance imaging methods" £118,075 , 2015-2017 (CRTF09-31639) (with C Berry, CE Haig and A Radjenovic)
  • (CI) BHF Project Grant "First steps towards computed modelling of myocardial infarction (an MI Physiome): A case-control study of novel biomechanical parameters in acute MI survivors with left ventricular dysfunction" £104,456 , 2015-2017 (PG/14/64/31043) (with Colin Berry, Dirk Husmeier and Hao Gao)
  • (PI) Glasgow Journal of Mathematics Trust, "CMALS Networking", £3000 , 2015-2017
  • (PI) MBI Grant on "The 2nd Workshop on Soft Tissue Modelling", 5000 US dollars, 2015.
  • (PI) Scottish Funding Council and Devro LTD on "Mechanical and Finite Element Modelling of Collagen Casing Manufacture and Application", £50, 000 , 2013-2014 (with Nicholas Hill)
  • (CI) Hong Kong Research Grant Council on "Effect of vasomotion on efficient flow delivery in microvascular network", 500, 000 HK dollars, 2013-2016 (with Yang Liu)
  • (PI) Glasgow Journal of Mathematics Trust, "Research collaboration with the University of Grenoble", £3000 , 2013-2015
  • (PI) EPSRC Institutional Grant (EP/K503514/1) on "Initiating new transformative ideas to heart remodelling (Pump-Priming)", £20,173 , 2012-2013 (with Paul Watton).
  • (PI) IAA-EPSRC and Devro LTD on "Work on the Predictive Modelling of Extruded Collagen Tube", £20,000 , 2013 (with Nicholas Hill)
  • (PI) EPSRC KT Award and Devro LTD on "Feasibility study on the Predictive Modelling of Extruder Design and Behaviour upon Fibre Orientation in an extruder Collagen Tube ", £40,000 , 2011-2012 (with Radostin Semitev)
  • (PI) Glasgow Journal of Mathematics Trust, "Glasgow Workshop of Soft Tissue Modelling", £3000 , 2012
  • (PI) College Fund "Developing the GlasgowHeart Research Website", £1500 , 2012
  • (PI) EPSRC grant on "Finite element-immersed boundary method and its application to mitral valves", £457,132 (80% FEC) (Ref: EP/I029990/1), 2012-2015 (with Colin Berry)
  • (PI) College and EMS Funds, Research collaboration with Dr. Boyce Griffith at NYU, £2340 , 2011
  • (CI) College Fund, Developing an EPSRC grant on project of Aortic Dissections, £5000 , 2011 (with Nick Hill and Steve Roper).
  • (PI) Royal Society UK-France Joint Project on "Physical modelling of vocal folds oscillations during normal and pathological speech" (RE: 2010/R2-JP), £12,000 , 2011-2013 (with Nick Hill, Radostin Semitev and Van Hirtum)
  • (CI) MRS grant on "Cardiac magnetic resonance imaging: new pathological insights and functional significance in acute myocardial infarction", £150,000 , 2010-2013 (with Colin Berry)
  • (PI) EPSRC grant on "Exploring the Mechanisms of Human Gallbladder", 328,710 (80% FEC) (Ref: EP/G015651), 2009-2012 (with Ray Ogden, FRS)
  • "Exchange Programme for Leading Research Groups", 5000,000 Yuan (~400k ) from Xian Jiaotong University,2009-2014,(with Ray Ogden, Nick Hill, and Tiejun Wang)
  • The Royal Academy of Engineering travel funds, £500 , 2010
  • The Edinburgh Mathematical Society small grant, £750 , 2009
  • The Royal Society of Edinburgh Incoming Short Visit Fund of £2,700 for Dr. B.G. Griffith from the Courant, NYU, 2008.
  • (CI) Alliance project from the British Council France on "Modelling and inversion of a complex production system of acoustical signals: application to speech and pathologies", £4800 , 2008-2010 (with Radostin Simitev and Van Hirtum)
  • Global Research Award of £22,418 from the Royal Academy of Engineering, 2007
  • (CI) EPSRC grant of "Maths for Engineers Summer School", £49,205 , 2007 (Grant no EP/E504876), with (Chris Pearce)
  • (PI) British Heart Foundation Project Grant of £63,001 on "Towards a better understanding and design of mitral bioprosthesis" (Grant No. PG/06/029/20577), 2006-2009
  • (PI) Royal Society UK-China Joint Project on "A new stability zone in internal physical flows" (RE: 2005/R4-JP), £12,000 , 2006-2008.
  • University of Sheffield PhD Studentship Award, 2005-2009
  • The Royal Society Incoming Short Visit Fund of £3,300 on "Snoring control" for Dr. Z.S Liu from the Institute of High Performance Computing at Singapore, 2005.
  • (PI) EPSRC grant of £149,957 (80% FEC) on "Tracking particle deposition in the turbulent human airway" (Ref. GR/S95633/01) 2005-2008. (with Franck Nicholleau)
  • (PI) Royal Society UK-China Joint Project on "Heart valves: how do they react to blood flows?" (RE: Q861), £17,995 , 2002-2005.
  • University of Sheffield PhD Studentship Award, 2001-2004.
  • (PI) EPSRC grant of £133,272 (80% FEC) on "Flow Limitation And Self-Excited Oscillations" (Ref. GR/M07243) 1999-2002. (with Tim Pedley, FRS)
  • The Royal Academy of Engineering travel funds, 2003,2005
  • The Royal Society China Fellowship of £14,620 on "Stress analysis of aortic valves" for Dr.J. Li from Xi'an Jiaotong University, 1999-2000.
  • The Young Scientists Research Grants, £15,000 Yuan, Xi'an Jiaotong University, China, 1990-1992.
  • Winner of THE ADVANCED SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY PRIZE of Xi'an Jiaotong University, 1986.
  • Winner of the Tang Zhao-Qian Scholarship of Xi'an Jiaotong University in 1990.
  • Winner of the Distinguished Postgraduate Scholarship of Xi'an Jiaotong University in 1985.
  • Runner up in The Xi'an Mathematics Competition in 1978, China.

    Move up to Prof. X. Y. Luo

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