Dr Ghislain Fourier School of Mathematics and Statistics University of Glasgow Mail: ghislainDOTfourierATglasgowDOTacDOTuk |
Topic and idea: In this workshop we want to learn about the PBW filtrations of modules for Lie algebras and their appearance/applications in Representation Theory. During the last years, several publications were pushing this new and very active field very far. The workshop intends to give PhD-students and Early-Postdocs the chance to learn this subject (while it is new and exciting) and possibly contribute to the current research. Some knowledge about representations of Lie algebras may be prerequested. The workshop is organized as a seminar week: each participant will be given a topic within the area of PBW filtrations and will explain this topic to the other participants in a seminar talk. The topics will be distributed well in advance (end of March), so everyone will have enough time to prepare. Participants may work of course prepare in groups. There are further problem-sessions and new-direction-session. At the end of the workshop, participants will be in touch with the state of art. Invited speaker: Evgeny Feigin |
Registration: Please send me (ghislainDOTfourierATglasgowDOTac.uk)
an email with a very brief motivation and background (the workshop will be
restricted to 15 – 20 participants). Deadline
for application is 14.03.2014 (but keep in mind the limit of 20, so it
would be better to register as soon as possible). There is a registration fee
of £30 to cover administration expenses. |
Place and time: The workshop will be at the University of Glasgow from May 19th to May 23rd 2014. Nearest airport are in Glasgow and Edinburgh. |
Accomodation: Participants are responsible for their accomodation,
here are some suggestions: to be filled in |
Financial support: There is a limited financial support for some
participants. This can be used to cover accomodation and local expenses but
no travel expenses. Please let me know in your registration email wether you
want to apply for support. Decisions about support will be made until
31.03.2014. |