Michael Wemyss (pronounced `Weemz')

I am The Chair of Mathematics at the University of Glasgow since 2016. I obtained my PhD from Bristol in 2008, was a postdoc in Nagoya and Oxford, then for six years I was in Edinburgh.

I currently hold/serve as:

My main research interests are in algebraic geometry and its interactions, principally between noncommutative and homological algebra, resolutions of singularities, and the minimal model program. In the process of doing this, I have research interests in all related structures, including: deformation theory, derived categories, stability conditions, associated commutative and homological structures and their representation theory, curve invariants, McKay correspondence, Cohen--Macaulay modules, finite dimensional algebras and cluster-tilting theory.

I received an LMS Whitehead Prize in 2017, shared the Adams Prize in 2020, and am an Invited Speaker at the ECM in Seville in 2024. I am a member of Core Structures @ Glasgow, which encompasses the Algebra, Analysis, and Geometry & Topology groups here, together with faculty across Glasgow with related mathematical interests.

I currently advise PhD students Sam, Zhang, Marina, Charlotte and Parth, and I mentor RAs Emma, Franco, Matt and Timothy. I am always interested in hearing from potential PhD students and postdocs, so feel free to contact me directly, or see the up-date information about supervision opportunities for both me and the wider group at our available supervisors page, and our positions page.

My Publications and Preprints


Silting in Representation Theory, Singularities, and Noncommutative Geometry, September 2023, Oaxaca, Mexico.

GLEN, ARTIN, Algebra, G&T, Maximals, Edge.