| I am currently a Professor of Applied
Mathematics in the School of Mathematics
and Statistics, University of Glasgow.
My research focuses on applying continuum mechanics to solve interesting
physiological or industrially motivated problems. Before coming to Glasgow, I
held Postdoctoral Research Associate positions at the University of Oxford (2011-13) and Northwestern University (2010-2011). I
completed my PhD in 2010 from the University of Nottingham, where my
thesis was entitled Flows in
flexible channels and airways.
My google scholar page can be found here.
peter dot stewart at glasgow dot ac dot uk
I am always on the lookout for new PhD students.
See my list of available opportunities.
I am an Associate Editor of Royal Society Open
I am a founding member of the SofTMech
consortium, funded as an EPSRC Maths-in-Healthcare centre (2016-2021). This
project has recently diversified into a EPSRC Centre-to-Centre partnership with
Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Politecnico Milano (2020-2023) and the
SofTMech Statistical Emulation Hub, funded as an EPSRC Maths-in-Healthcare
centre (2021-2024).
I lead the SofTMech Training committee (2021-). The training schedule and details of upcoming events can be found here.
Recordings from our previous training event can be found here.
Modelling retinal blood flow
I am interested in correlating the onset and
subsequent pattern of retinal haemorrhage to the severity of traumatic brain
I held an EPSRC First Grant on `Elastic jumps on
networks' (2017-2019). As part of this I organised a Dialogue with
Clinicians event, gathering expert clinicians and modellers to discuss
challenges in quantifying the onset and severity of retinal haemorrhage, along
with its likely cause.
I am involved in the Special Interest Group for the Fluid
Mechanics of the Eye. See recent case study video here.
- the onset of retinal haemorrhage following traumatic brain injury;
Spelman TA and Stewart PS
(2020), Shock wave propagation along the central retinal blood vessels.
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Series A: Mathematical, Physical and
Engineering Sciences, 476(2234), 20190269. link
- the onset of the Retinal Venous Pulse, as a basis for a non-invasive
measure of intracranial pressure;
Stewart PS and Foss A
(2019), Self-excited oscillations in a collapsible channel with applications to
retinal venous pulsation. ANZIAM Journal, 61(3), pp. 320-348. link
Stewart PS, Jensen OE and
Foss A (2014), A theoretical model to allow prediction of the CSF pressure from
observing the retinal venous pulse, Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual
Science 55(10) 6320. link
Soft tissue mechanics
- indentation of second-order hyperelastic materials;
Du Y, Stewart PS, Hill NA, Yin H, Penta R, Kory J, Luo XY and
Ogden RW (2023), Nonlinear indentation of second-order hyperelastic materials. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 171, 105139. link
- rational upscaling of individual cell models to soft tissue models;
Barry R, Hill NA and
Stewart PS (2022), Continuum soft tissue models from upscaling of arrays of
hyperelastic cells. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Series A: Mathematical, Physical and
Engineering Sciences, 478(2266), 20220065. link
- fluid-structure interaction during phaco-emulsification.
Wang Z, Wang C, Zhao F, Qi
N, Lockington D, Ramaesh K, Stewart PS, Luo, XY and Tang H (2022), Simulation of
fluid-structure interaction during the phaco-emulsification stage of cataract
surgery, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 214, 106931 link
- the influence of axonal fibres on the development of cerebral cortex
Stewart PS, Waters SL, El
Sayed T, Vella D, Goriely A (2016), Wrinkling, creasing, and folding in
fiber-reinforced soft tissues, Extreme Mechanics Letters, 8, 22-29 link
- the dynamics of neonatal airway recruitment in Respiratory Distress
Stewart PS and Jensen, OE (2015),
Patterns of recruitment and injury in a heterogeneous airway network model.
Journal of The Royal Society Interface, 12, 20150523 link
- the optimal size of peripheral iridotomoy in uveitis;
Agraval U, Qi N, Stewart
PS, Luo XY, Williams G, Rotchford A, Ramaesh K (2015), Optimum size of iridotomy in
uveitis, Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology 43 (7), 692-696 link
- the role of the Donnan effect in the swelling of brain tissue;
Lang GE, Stewart PS, Vella
D, Waters SL, Goriely A (2014), Is the Donnan effect sufficient to explain swelling in
brain tissue slices? Journal of The Royal Society Interface 11 (96), 20140123 link
Fluid flow through
collapsible tubes and channels
Fluid flow through a flexible-walled channel or tube can
exhibit self-excited oscillations, which can be studied by considering:
- the global stability in a finite-length flexible-walled channel;
Herrada MA, Blanco-Trejo S,
Eggers J, Stewart PS (2022), Global stability analysis of flexible channel flow with a
hyperelastic wall, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 934, A28 link
Wang DY, Luo XY, Stewart
PS (2021), Energetics of collapsible channel flow with a nonlinear fluid-beam model,
Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 926, A2 link
Wang DY, Luo XY, Stewart
PS (2021), Multiple steady and oscillatory solutions in a collapsible channel flow,
International Journal of Applied Mechanics, 13, 2150058 link
Stewart PS (2017), Instabilities
in flexible channel flow with large external pressure, Journal of Fluid
Mechanics, 825, 922-960 link
Stewart PS, Heil M, Waters
SL, Jensen OE (2010), Sloshing and slamming oscillations in a collapsible channel flow,
Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 662, 288-319 link
Stewart PS, Waters SL,
Jensen OE (2009), Local and global instabilities of flow in a flexible-walled channel,
European Journal of Mechanics B/Fluids, 28, 541-557 link
- the local stability of Poiseuille flow in a long flexible-walled channel.
Wang DY, Luo XY, Liu ZS, Stewart
PS (2023), Flow-induced surface instabilities in a flexible-walled channel with a heavy wall, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, link
Stewart PS, Waters SL,
Jensen OE (2010), Local instabilities in a flexible channel: asymmetric flutter driven
by a weak critical layer, Physics of Fluids 22, 031902 link
Stewart PS, Waters SL,
Billingham J, Jensen OE (2010), Spatially localised growth within global instabilities
of flexible channel flows, Proceedings of the Seventh IUTAM Symposium on
Laminar-Turbulent Transition (Stockholm 2009) link
Dynamics and stability of
gas-liquid foams
Using fluid mechanics to understand the dynamics and stability
of gas-liquid foams, including:
- a review highlighting the importance of mesoscale structural elements for the description of foam dynamics;
Stewart PS, Hilgenfeldt S (2023),
Gas-liquid foam dynamics: From Structural Elements to Continuum Descriptions,
Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics
- fracture of an aqueous foam under an applied driving pressure, which is
qualitatively similar to fracture of crystalline atomics solids like metals;
Stewart PS, Hilgenfeldt S,
Explaining the Fracture Velocity Gap: Cracks and Dissipation in Foams, to be
Stewart PS, Hilgenfeldt S (2017),
Cracks and Fingers: Dynamics of ductile fracture in an aqueous foam, Colloids
and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 534, 58-70. link
Stewart PS, Davis SH,
Hilgenfeldt S (2015), Microstructural effects in aqueous foam fracture, Journal of
Fluid Mechanics 785, 425-461 link
Stewart PS, Davis SH,
Hilgenfeldt S (2013), Viscous Rayleigh--Taylor instability in aqueous foams, Colloids
and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 436, 898-905 link
- bursting of a rising gas bubble at the surface of an oil-covered water
bath, which can enhance oil dispersal;
Stewart PS, Feng J, Kimpton
LS, Griffiths IM, Stone HA (2015), Stability of a bi-layer free film: simultaneous or
individual rupture events? Journal of Fluid Mechanics 777, 27-49 link
- a large scale network model to understand bubble coalescence in metallic
Stewart PS and Davis SH (2013),
Self-similar coalescence of clean foams,
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 722, 645-664 link
Stewart PS and Davis SH (2012),
Dynamics and stability of metallic foams: Network modeling,
Journal of Rheology 56, 543-574 link
- the stability of a foam film draining under gravity.
MJ Davis, PS Stewart and SH
Davis (2013), Local effects of gravity on foams, Journal of Fluid Mechanics 737, 1-18
Industrial modelling
Using the methods of continuum mechanics to improve industrial
protocols, including:
- tailoring the efficency of membrane filtration;
Griffiths IM, Stewart PS (2022),
A hybrid discrete-continuum framework for modelling filtration, Journal of Membrane Science
647, 120258 link
Griffiths IM, Mitevski I,
Vujkovac I, Illingworth MR, Stewart PS (2020), The role of tortuosity in filtration
efficiency: A general network model for filtration, Journal of Membrane Science
598, 117664 link
Griffiths IM, Kumar A,
Stewart PS (2016), Designing asymmetric multilayered membrane filters with improved
performance, Journal of Membrane Science 511, 108-118 link
Griffiths IM, Kumar A,
Stewart PS (2014), A combined network model for membrane fouling, Journal of Colloid
and Interface Science 432, 10-18 link
- using fluid flow to enhance chiral separation;
Hermans TM, Bishop KJM,
Stewart PS, Davis SH, Grzybowski BA (2015), Vortex flows impart chirality-specific lift
forces, Nature communications 6, 5640 link
- transforming a chemical oscillator from the temporal domain to the spatial
Hermans TM, Stewart PS,
Grzybowski BA (2015), pH Oscillator Stretched in Space but Frozen in Time, The Journal
of Physical Chemistry Letters 6 (5), 760-766 link
Hydrodynamic stability
Study of fundamental hydrodynamic instabilities, including:
- the role of non-normal growth in the instability of current sheets.
MacTaggart D, Stewart PS (2017),
Optimal energy growth in current sheets, Solar Physics 292(10), 1-20. link
Current PhD students
Sunday Ifeanyi Onah (2020-), The
Riemann problem at a bifurcation in a collapsible tube (with David MacTaggart)
Gordon McNicol (2020-), A mathematical
model for nanokicking (with Matt Dalby)
Atrayee Bhattacharya (2021-),
Mathematical modelling of retinal vein occlusion (with Hao Gao and Dirk
Former PhD students
Dr Danyang Wang (2014-2018), The
energetics of self-excited oscillations in collapsible channel flow (with Xiaoyu
Dr Ahmed Mostafa Abdelhady Ismaeel
(2015-2019), Mathematical modelling of cancer treatment by photothermal
ablation (with Xiaoyu Luo)
Dr Roxanna Barry (2016-2020),
Discrete-to-continuum modelling of cells to tissues (with Nick Hill)
Current Postdocs
Dr Jakub Koery (2020-) (with Nick Hill and Xiaoyu Luo)
Dr Namshad Thekkethil (2020-) (with Nick Hill and Xiaoyu Luo)
Dr Yangkun Du (2020-) (with Nick Hill, Xiaoyu Luo and Raimondo Penta)
Dr Jay Mackenzie (2021-) (with Nick Hill)
Former Postdocs
Dr Tamsin Spelman (2017-2018) , now
University of Cambridge
Dr Danyang Wang (2020-2021), now Xi'an
Jiaotong University
(2019/20, 2020/21, 2021/22) Mathematics 1 (deputy course head)
(2018/19, 2017/18, 2016/17) 2B Linear Algebra (course head)
(2016/17, 2015/16, 2014/15) 5M Advanced Numerical Methods
(2015/16, 2014/15) 4H Fluid Mechanics
(2013/14) 3H Dynamical Systems