17/10/2000: The sequence type 210 304 in haplogroup H is reported as being present in Nubia and a Germany. In fact, the Nubian sequence is 210 224 (potentially haplogroup K). The German is correct. This generated a false sequence match between the Near East and Europe, and hence a false entry in the f0 column of Table 2 in the paper.
05/01/2001: The pages containing sequence data have been updated. The column containing information on the Iranian sample was incorrect previously. We apologize for this error which occurred while formatting the data for the Web. No other changes were made at this time.
05/01/2001: Dr Peter Forster (University of Cambridge) has pointed out (as noted in Roehl, A., Brinkmann, B., Forster, L., Forster, P. (2001). An annotated mtDNA database. International Journal of Legal Medicine, 115, 29-39) that the HVS-I sequence data on Albanians only extend as far as position 16323.
17/04/2001: Prof. Vladimir Orekhov and Dr Peter Forster have pointed out that the haplogroup U4 sequence reported as 214C 356 may not be correct, since 16214 is a C in the reference sequence. The original material is no longer available, so unfortunately this cannot be checked. Most likely, it is T and the correct sequence, 214 356.
23/04/2001: We mistakenly included one extra individual bearing the H-CRS in a Dane. Thus the Danish sample is really of size 37 (not 38) and the number of H-CRS sequences in the North-Central region is 45 (not 46). Thanks again to Dr Peter Forster for pointing out the problem.
12/02/2003: In Table 5, the sample sizes for "Southeastern Europe" and "Eastern Mediterranean" are incorrectly printed. They should be "n = 233" and "n = 167", respectively. Thanks to Hilary Snelling for telling us about this.
02/05/2003: The one U2 sequence with motif 129C 289 256 observed in the North East is actually 129C 189 256, a sequence already sampled elsewhere. Thanks to Dr Stephan Janker for spotting this one.
Vincent A. Macaulay