Columns 1-5: A star indicates a founder type under each of the five sets of criteria f0, f1, f2, fs, fs' described in the paper.
Column 6: The HVS-I sequence of each sequence type reported between nps 16090 and 16365, as in the table of the geographical distribution of sequence types.
Column 7: The haplogroup assignment of each sequence type, based on HVS-I sequence, np 73 status and selective RFLP typing. The diagnostic motifs for the haplogroups shown can be found by clicking here. A few unclassified sequences are indicated by "n/c". A "?" indicates a tentative assignment in cases where we were not able to perform addition typing to clarify the haplogroup of the sample.
Column 8-12: The founder cluster to which each sequence type is assigned under each of the five sets of criteria.
Column 13: The frequency of the sequence type in European sample.