Proof of The Interior-Exterior Theorem

The Interior-Exterior Theorem.
If L is an i-line and tεI(2), then t maps the sides of L
to the sides of t(L).

Observe first, that if A and B lie on opposite sides of L, then
all i-lines through A and B must meet L. Thus, if there is an
i-line through A and B which does not meet L, then A and B
must lie on the same side of L.

We proceed by stages:

  1. If a point P lies outside a circle C , then there is an
    extended line through P which does not meet C.

    Let Q be the centre of C.
    We may choose the line through P perpendicular to PQ.
  2. If a point P lies inside a circle C , then there is a
    circle through P which does not meet C.

    Let Q be the centre of C.
    We may choose the circle on QP as diameter -
    all of its points are less than |QP| from Q.
  3. If C is a circle, and tεI(2), then t maps
    all points in the exterior of C to points on one side of t(C), and
    all points in the interior of C to points on the other side of t(C).
    If P lies in the exterior of C, then, by (1), there is an i-line
    (an extended line) M through P which does not meet C.
    Then t(M) is an i-line through t(P) and t(∞) which does
    not meet t(C). Thus t(P) lies on the same side of t(C) as t(∞).
    Similarly, using (2), any for any Q in the interior of C, t(Q) lies
    on the same side of t(C) as t(C), where C is the centre of C.
    Since t maps C to t(C), it maps the complement of C to the
    complement of t(C). Thus, the images of the interior and
    exterior must cover both sides of t(C), so the interior and
    exterior must map to opposite sides.
  4. Finally, suppose that L is an extended line. We can choose
    an inversion h which maps L to a circle C, so h-1(C) = L.
    Applying (3) to C and h-1, we see that h-1 maps
    the interior of C to one side of L. Thus, h maps this side
    of L to the interior of C, and the other side to the exterior.
    Now apply (3) to C and toh-1. This maps the interior of C to
    one side of (toh-1)(C) = t(h-1(C)) = t(L), and the exterior
    to the other side.
    Now, applying h then toh-1, we see that t = (toh-1)oh maps
    the sides of L to the sides of t(L), as required.

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