Misha Feigin

Professor of Mathematics

Mathematics and Statistics Building
University Place
University of Glasgow
Glasgow G12 8QQ

  • Office No:          440
  • Telephone No:  (+44) 0141 330 6293
  • FAX No:          (+44) 0141 330 4111
  • E-Mail Address: misha.feigin@glasgow.ac.uk


Research Interests

The area of my research is theory of integrable systems in relations with algebra, geometry and mathematical physics. More specifically, I am working on quantum integrable systems of Calogero-Moser type and their relativistic analogues known as Ruijsenaars-Macdonald operators, Baker-Akhiezer functions and Darboux transformations in many dimensions, Hadamard’s problem in the theory of Huygens’ Principle, Coxeter and other hyperplane arrangements, rings of quasi-invariants, representations of Cherednik algebras, Frobenius manifolds, WDVV equations.

List of Publications

Research Assistant


Dr Alexey Silantyev (during 2008-2011), on EPSRC grant “Calogero-Moser systems, Cherednik algebras and Frobenius structures

TBA TBA TBA (2023-), on EPSRC grant “Angular Cherednik Alebras and Integrability Coinvestigator: Prof. Gwyn Bellamy


PhD Students


Dr David Johnston (during 2007-2011),

PhD Thesis “ Quasi-invariants of hyperplane arrangements”

Dr Georgios Antoniou (during 2015-2020), cosupervisor: Prof. Ian Strachan.

PhD Thesis “ Frobenius structures, Coxeter discriminants, and supersymmetric mechanics” Supporting Mathematica file

Dr Maali Alawi Alkadhem (during 2017-2022)

PhD Thesis “ Trigonometric V-systems and solutions of WDVV and related equations”

Johan Wright (2019-), cosupervisor Daniele Valeri

Leo Kaminski (2020-), cosupervisor Ian Strachan

Martin Vrabec (2021-)


"Classical Field Theory and Special Relativity"

Office hours: please email to check


LMS Classical and Quantum Integrability in Glasgow

Conference "Integrability in Algebra, Geometry and Physics: New Trends", 13-17 July 2015, Switzerland

LMS Invited Lectures in Glasgow