Damián Gvirtz-Chen

profile picture
Photo credit: Ben Heuer


I am a Lecturer (roughly equivalent to U.S. Assistant Professor) in Pure Mathematics at the University of Glasgow. My current research is generously supported by an EPSRC New Investigator Award.


damian[insert a dot here]gvirtz@glasgow.ac.uk
Room 209B
School of Mathematics and Statistics
University of Glasgow
University Place
Glasgow G12 8QQ
United Kingdom
Tel: 01413302981


I work at the intersection of algebraic geometry and number theory on the behaviour of rational points on algebraic varieties. My past research interests have included K3 surfaces, zero-cycles, Brauer-Manin obstruction, density of rational points, the Hilbert Property and p-adic geometry.

Publications and preprints

Past papers of mine have appeared under the author name Damián Gvirtz.

Conference organisation

I am organising a mini-conference on Rational Points in Glasgow, on 29th May 2024. The conference website is here.

PhD applicants

I welcome enquiries from potential PhD students. Please send me an informal email detailing your experience and interests (e.g. as a Curriculum Vitae). You can find out more about applying for a pure mathematics PhDs in Glasgow at the Centre for Doctoral Training in Algebra, Geometry and Quantum Fields.


I am teaching MATHEMATICS 2A in the first semester of the academic session 2024-25. All course materials will be available on Moodle.


A list of conferences and meetings where I have been/expect to be.

Short Biography


A personal list of open questions.

In spring 2022, together with Chris Birkbeck and Luis Garcia I organised the London Number Theory Seminar at UCL.

In spring 2021, Andrew Graham and I organised the London Number Theory Study Group on the Bloch-Kato conjecture at UCL.

I co-founded and organised the London Junior Number Theory Seminar. Here is the old webpage.

A Horizontal Introduction to Algebraic Stacks: An expository essay I wrote on algebraic stacks a long time ago. None of the content is original but I have been told that it is a useful resource to learn the notorious subject.

Every week I sang with other mathematicians, mostly early music. If you live in the London area, maybe you would like join?

In my school years, I profited a lot from gifted education programmes and ever since, I have become involved in many of them myself as a mentor/tutor/teacher. Some of my favourites with the longest lasting impact are International Summer Science Institute, Life-Science Lab, Hector-Seminar, Deutsche SchülerAkademie, Science-Academy and Bundeswettbewerb Mathematik

Thank you to Lukas Kühne for letting me use his CSS rules.