Senior Lecturer in Applied Mathematics

School of Mathematics & Statistics
University of Glasgow
G12 8QQ

david.mactaggart [at]

Research Summary

My main interests lie in plasma physics and magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) in particular. I am particularly interested in topological fluid dynamics, magnetic reconnection, plasma instabilities and applications to solar physics and space weather. I am always keen to hear from prospective PhD students. For informal enquiries, please contact me directly. To apply officially for a PhD position at Glasgow, please click here.


STFC-funded postdoctoral opportunity (deadline: passed)

A three-year postdoctoral position, funded by STFC, is available to develop more realistic models of solar differential rotation in 3D MHD dynamo simulations. For more details and a link to the application, please see here.

Three-year postdoctoral opportunity (deadline: passed)

A three-year postdoctoral position for the development of a robust solar flare predictor, using magnetic helicity and winding, is available, funded by the Leverhulme Trust. For more details and a link to the application, please see here.

DiRAC Innovation Placement (deadline: passed)

An exciting opportunity for a PhD student or postdoc to help develop a cutting edge tool for solar flare prediction. The placement will be for 6 months, starting January 2022. The deadline for applications is 6th December 2021. Full details can be found here.

Webinar on magnetic topology (23/03/20)

Three talks presented via Zoom. Details here.

New book - Topics in Magnetohydrodynamic Topology, Reconnection and Stability Theory, 2019 (eds MacTaggart and Hillier).

CISM School "Advanced topics in MHD", June 11-15, 2018

This summer school covers advanced topics in MHD stability theory, magnetic topology, MHD turbulence and magnetic reconnection. Details can be found here.

RAS Meeting October 14th 2016

The programme for the RAS meeting on flux emergence and its consequences in the solar atmosphere can be found here.