Supplementary data from Richards et al. (2000)
On this page, you will find the data on the mtDNA sequences of samples used
in the following paper:
Richards, M., Macaulay, V., Hickey, E., Vega, E., Sykes, B., Guida,V.,
Rengo, C., Sellitto, D., Cruciani, F., Kivisild, T., Villems, R., Thomas,
M., Rychkov, S., Rychkov, O., Rychkov, Y., Gölge, M., Dimitrov, D.,
Hill, E., Bradley, D., Romano, V., Calì, F., Vona, G., Demaine, A.,
Papiha, S., Triantaphyllidis, C., Stefanescu, G., Hatina, J., Belledi, M.,
Di Rienzo, A., Novelletto, A., Oppenheim, A., Nørby, S., Santachiara-Benerecetti, S., Scozzari, R., Torroni, A., Bandelt, H.-J. (2000). Tracing European founder
lineages in the Near Eastern mtDNA pool. American Journal of Human
Genetics, 67, 1251-1276.
We present:
- Sequence types in Europe, the Near East and Caucasus, their haplogroup
assignment and geographical distribution. Below are links to subsets
of the data arranged alphabetically by haplogroup name. Note: these files were updated on 5th January 2001 to correct the entries
for the Iranian data set as mentioned in the erratum below.
- Haplogroups A-F (no haplogroup G samples were
identified in the study)
- Haplogroup H (including HV1 and HV*)
- Haplogroups I-K
- Haplogroups L-R (including pre-HV and n/c =
not classified)
- Haplogroup T
- Haplogroups U-Z
- Complete data set (this table is large and
slow to download and process: give your browser plenty of time to render it)
- Key to above tables
- The founder status of each sequence type observed in Europe
- Motifs used to classify the sequences into
We would be very grateful to hear of any inconsistencies in the data set
that you observe or of any problems you have with the web site. A list
of errata appears here.
Vincent Macaulay
5th January 2001