Ruadhaí Dervan

Picture of me at a whiteboard

I'm a Senior Lecturer and Royal Society University Research Fellow at the University of Glasgow. I've previously spent parts of my career and education at the University of Cambridge (where I was a fellow of Gonville & Caius College), École Polytechnique, Université libre de Bruxelles and Trinity College Dublin.

My first name is pronounced "Rui" (the "dh" is silent, it's Irish).

I research complex geometry, which is roughly the intersection of algebraic and differential geometry. I'm interested in both the analytic and algebro-geometric sides of complex geometry, and at the moment most of my work lies somewhere between the two. Topics I'm currently interested in include Kähler geometry, K-stability, geometric invariant theory and non-Archimedean geometry, amongst others.

Thomas' notes and Székelyhidi's book (see also similar notes) are excellent introductions to my area, and Donaldson has written a compelling (but more technical) survey.

I am currently teaching the SMSTC course Riemann Surfaces.

My CV. My email address is My office is 439, University of Glasgow Mathematics & Statistics Building.

If you would like to do a PhD in (complex) algebraic or differential geometry in Glasgow under my supervision, please contact me around November 2024. Similarly, please contact me if you might like to do a postdoc in Glasgow, and I can explain various funding sources.

Papers and preprints:


PhD students:

Master's students and undergraduate research students:

Photos with Michael, John and Annamaria (Aarhus, June 2022) and Alexia and Rémi (Cambridge, August 2022).

I organised a six-month programme titled New equivariant methods in algebraic and differential geometry along with several others at the Isaac Newton Institute in 2024 (see here for a popular account of the ideas behind our programme, by Marianne Freberger). As part of this, I am organising the workshop K-stability and moment maps held there from May 13th to 17th 2024. I've previously conferences and workshops in Chicago (Around complex geometry), Cambridge (Cambridge complex geometry afternoon, 2022), Cambridge (K-stability and Kähler geometry, 2021), Newcastle (Newcastle complex geometry workshop, 2018), Rome (Moduli of K-stable varieties, 2017) and Cambridge (Postgraduate conference in complex geometry, 2015). The Rome conference has an associated conference proceedings, also edited by Codogni and Viviani.

I taught Part III Complex Manifolds in Cambridge in Lent Term 2020 and Lent Term 2019.
