Web Log for Structured Assignments Pilot Project

A Project Funded by the LTSN Maths, Stats and OR Network.

Participants: Iain Gibson (IRG), Glasgow University
  Frances Goldman (FHG), Glasgow University
  Michael Grinfeld (MG), Strathclyde University

Project start date: May 2004

Project end date: August 2005


Structured assignments will be developed for and piloted on a second-year Engineering Mathematics course (Algebra & Calculus 4) in the second semester of the session 2004–5 at the Strathclyde University. Once the courses have finished, the results will be analysed and evaluated from June to August 2005. Opportunities will also be sought to develop similar assignments for other mathematics courses at Glasgow and Strathclyde, particularly for courses that take place during the first semester.

Web Log

Date of entry Activity
28 April 2004 Contracts received from LTSN.
17 May 2004 Meeting between FHG, IRG and MG to discuss suitable courses for the pilot scheme. MG has in mind course MA212 (Algebra & Calculus 4), a second year, second-semester Engineering Mathematics course at Strathclyde. Priority areas are (i) differentiation, (ii) integration, and (iii) powers, logarithms & exponentials. These areas have been identified through student questionnaires and staff knowledge of weaknesses in the cohort. They are also important to get right at the start since so much future material relies on fluency in them. The development of worksheets on these topics will allow us to approach the pilot scheme itself with greater experience behind us, as well as to increase its applicability.
June 2004

IRG investigates first year calculus material at Glasgow (lecture notes, problem sheets and past exam questions) and draws up a prototype assignment (on basic differentiation) in LATEX, with help from FHG. This can be used as a template for future worksheets. Two PDF files are linked.

Differentiation Worksheet 1

Worksheet 1 Solution

7 July 2004 Discussion between IRG and head of 1st year (TAW) at Glasgow about suitability of a series of differentiation worksheets, with the prototype as an example. The go-ahead is given in principle, subject to resolving organisational questions. (Which students should receive the worksheets? Should they be compulsory?) IRG agrees to involve TAW in the development process.
August 2004

Development of two further differentiation worksheets (PDF files linked). Ideas also sketched for a series on powers, logarithms and exponentials, another priority area for support measures.

Differentiation Worksheet 2

Worksheet 2 Solution

Differentiation Worksheet 3

Worksheet 3 Solution