
Registration is from 8:45am to 9:45am on Monday 9 August at Smith 404. See local information for more details.

A printable version of the timetable for the conference can be downloaded as a PDF file. Titles of talks are given below.


9:45-10:45 Jason Bell
Free subalgebras of division rings

10:50-11:20 Rajesh Kulkarni
Clifford algebras of ternary cubic forms and ACM bundles on cubic surfaces

12:00-1:00 Pere Ara
Non-stable K-theory and graph algebras
PDF Slides

2:15-2:45 Jan Trlifaj
Hill's Lemma and Infinite Jordan-Hoelder Theory
PDF Slides

2:50-3:50 Agata Smoktunowicz
Algebraic algebras meet free algebras

4:30-5:30 Quanshui Wu
Calabi-Yau algebras under Hopf actions
PDF Slides


9:15-10:15 Stéphane Launois
Quantised coordinate rings and total positivity
PDF Slides

10:20-10:50 Colin Ingalls
Orders and Birational Geometry

11:30-12:30 George Elliott
A new look at dimension groups

2:00-2:30 Michael Wemyss
Noncommutative minimal models

2:30-3:30 Birge Huisgen-Zimmermann
Functorially finite categories of representations and strong tilting

4:00-5:00 Martin Lorenz
Group actions and stratifications of prime spectra
PDF Slides


9:15-10:15 Susan Montgomery
Invariants for Representations of Semisimple Hopf algebras

10:20-10:50 Gene Abrams
Dixmier-Moeglin equivalence for Leavitt path algebras
PDF Slides

11:30-12:30 Konstantin Ardakov
Prime ideals in Iwasawa algebras of nilpotent uniform pro-p groups


9:15-10:15 Christopher Phillips
Towards the classification of outer actions of finite groups on purely infinite algebras
PDF Slides PDF Additional notes

10:20-10:50 Uli Krähmer
A residue formula for the fundamental Hochschild class on the Podles sphere
PDF Slides

11:30-12:30 Milen Yakimov
Structure of torus invariant prime ideals of quantum Schubert cells
PDF Slides

2:15-2:45 Ian Musson
Monolithic modules over Noetherian rings

2:50-3:50 Marius Dadarlat
The C*-algebra of a vector bundle

4:30-5:30 Sarah Witherspoon
Deformations of Skew Group Algebras and Orbifolds
PDF Slides


9:15-10:15 Friedrich Wehrung
Nonstable K-theory of regular rings and Banaschewski functions
PDF Slides

10:20-10:50 Daniel Chan
Noncommutative rational singularities

11:30-12:30 Daniel Rogalski
Blowup subalgebras of the Sklyanin Algebra

1:30-2:00 David Jordan
Poisson algebras and their deformations: a case study
PDF Slides

2:00-3:00 Yuri Berest
Twisted differential operators and Hochschild homology
PDF Slides

3:15-4:15 Sue Sierra
A counterexample in GK-dimension 4